Redefining the Good Life
Redefining the Good Life
EP 43: Victim mentality: the what, the why and the how
Victim mentality is when you make other people or outside factors responsible for your well-being.
We all know those people who are always really negative about everyone and everything, who seem to have their share of bad luck in life, and often make their problems someone else's fault.
That might be called a typical case of victim mentality.
But the truth is, victim mentality can show up in really subtle ways even if you’re not someone who indulges in it as a general rule.
And the problem when it goes unnoticed is that, it can keep you from claiming your full agency in situations, undermine your capacity for growth and literally reduce your quality of life!
In today’s episode, I provide lots of examples of emotions and behaviors that are dead giveaways that you’re in victimhood (resentment and blame being some big ones) and give you concrete ideas to start coming out of it pronto. ✨
PS. Noticing your blind spots can be tricky business when you’re living in your own head! This is why working with a coach can make you go so much faster toward the quality of life you dream of.
Drop me an email to see if it makes sense to work together: contact@theomnivorist.com
Connect with me on Instagram @theomnivorist
Book your free discovery call here: https://theomnivorist.as.me/discoverycall