Redefining the Good Life

EP 49: How to really stop "self-sabotage"

• Aysin Karaduman, aka The Omnivorist • Episode 49

Full disclaimer: I actually don't love the label "self-sabotage" because, while it likes to pass for self-knowledge, it is often anything but!

It's a term that gets thrown around to label behaviors that leave us perplexed because they don't seem aligned with our goals. 

But upon closer look, you may notice that your unconscious has very good reasons for the way it has you behave, even if those reasons don't make logical sense at first blush.

Saying you "sabotage" yourself actually blocks your curiosity and prevents you from understanding your unconscious drivers (which is really what's running the show for us humans!).

I also reshare one of my earliest episodes which is all about self-compassion because it is the no1 ingredient for becoming your own best friend and overcoming "self-sabotaging" behaviors in a loving and lasting way. 💫

Episode 8: The surprising thing that blocks change

Have you ever made a promise to yourself that you didn’t keep? 

Maybe it was to start waking up 30 min earlier and start journalling every morning. 

To hand in your notice within the month to finally launch your dream project. 

Or commit to eating well no matter what it took... 

But no matter how many times you promised yourself to FINALLY change for good… it just didn’t stick. 

AND you made it mean all kinds of horrible things about yourself: that you have no willpower, you have no control, that you're somehow "bad" or "broken"... 

But guess what, being harsh on yourself when you let yourself down is the kiss of death for lasting change.

Moving toward the person you want to become can only come from FULLY accepting and loving yourself where you currently are, even though it feels like exactly the opposite is true. 

Tune in to this episode to learn how to overcome your brain's sneaky ways and learn about the key to lasting habit change! 


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