Redefining the Good Life

EP 33: The power of 10 minutes a day

β€’ Episode 33

Hey friends, as you know I'm offering my free challenge, "Regret-Proof Your Life", and we get started in just a few days!

And here's how it will go down: at the end of each day I will send you an email with a big question to sleep on, and to journal away when you wake up.

So the daily minimum time commitment for this is... 10 minutes. Really, that's it!

So get yo'self signed up NOW πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

And of course, there's more! Everyone's favorite part of my free events is the live calls. This is where we take what we know and APPLY it, in a granular way, so that those big dreams actually get a chance at becoming reality. 

And as a special treat for you on the podcast today, I'm including parts of a call from the last time I ran this challenge. Here we coach on all the "usual suspects": confidence, perfectionism, procrastination, courage, impostor syndrome and everything in between!

You are bound to take away a nugget from here that you needed to hear today. πŸ’“

And to have your chance at getting coached, make sure to SIGN UP.

PS. Have I said we get started really soon, like tomorrow?? 

PPS. My clients transform their lives one amazing weekly conversation at a time. If you're ready to break through all your self-imposed limits, let's get on a call to talk about working together. Just drop me a message at and we'll get you on the calendar. 


Connect with me on Instagram @theomnivorist

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Book your free discovery call here: